Friday, March 24, 2023

Rotos and Siphi jokes - fun RAID post

Hey all RAID players! Enjoy these jokes about Rotos and Siphi and write in the comments which one was your favorite.

"Rotos and Siphi - it's like Romeo and Juliet, if Romeo was a zombie and Juliet could resurrect him."

What did Rotos say when he saw Siphi for the first time? "I've never felt so dead in my life!"

"Rotos and Siphi are the perfect match in Raid Shadow Legends - he crushes his enemies and she crushes on him!"

What did Siphi say to Rotos after a successful battle? "I think it's time for us to celebrate our victory... how about some brains and wine?"

Why did Rotos and Siphi decide to get married? Because they were both dying to find love!

Rotos was nervous about his first date with Siphi, so he went to his friend Kael for advice. "Just be yourself," said Kael. "Unless you're planning on eating her brains, in which case, be someone else."

Rotos was disappointed when Siphi refused to listen to his favorite band, Deadmau5 - he thought they had something in common!

Rotos and Siphi decided to go on a road trip, but they couldn't agree on the playlist. Rotos wanted to listen to heavy metal, while Siphi preferred the sound of silence - as in, the silence of her enemies' screams.

Rotos and Siphi took a trip to the beach, but it turned out to be a bit of a disaster. Every time Rotos tried to build a sandcastle, he ended up burying himself up to his waist, while Siphi kept accidentally reviving the seagulls.

"Rotos thinks Siphi's music is so boring, he'd rather listen to his enemies scream in agony. Siphi thinks Rotos' music is so noisy, she'd rather bring them back to life just to ask them to stop. Despite their differences, they make beautiful music together - on the battlefield, that is."

For their date, Rotos and Siphi decided to take a moonlit walk in the graveyard. "This is so romantic," said Siphi, as she pulled out a picnic basket filled with organs. "I even brought us some snacks!"

"Rotos likes his music like he likes his enemies - heavy and with a lot of bass. Siphi, on the other hand, prefers more classical music, but she's learned to appreciate the beat of Rotos' music when it shakes the bones of their enemies."

Siphi revived Rotos after a tough battle, and he said "I owe you my life!" Siphi replied, "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll die again soon enough."

Rotos and Siphi were bickering over what to watch on TV, with Rotos insisting on a zombie horror movie and Siphi wanting to watch a romantic comedy. Finally, they compromised and watched "Warm Bodies" - a zombie romantic comedy.

Why did Rotos and Siphi decide to take a road trip together? Because they heard the Sand Devil was throwing a killer party in the desert.

How does Rotos react when Siphi nags him about his battle strategy? He tells her to stop being a bonehead.

What kind of music does Rotos listen to while Siphi revives him? Bone Jovi.