Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Analysis / Table - how many Immortal and Eternal Soul Essences are needed to 6 star awaken a champion

Sharing with you my analysis, and, as I noted, you can see that a player can choose to have 3 Epic champions 6 star awakened or 1 legendary one for the same cost.

Awakening Your Champions in RAID: Making the Right Choices

Greetings, RAID players! In this blog post, we'll guide you through the awakening costs, and how to make the best decisions for your in-game strategy.

Awakening Champions: Costs

The cost of awakening champions varies depending on their rarity. Below is a table of costs for Rare, Epic, and Legendary champions:

For: Rare Champions

  • To Awaken to 1 Star: it costs 2 Immortal Soul Essences
  • To Awaken to 2 Stars: it costs 4 Immortal Soul Essences
  • To Awaken to 3 Stars: it costs 12 Immortal Soul Essences
  • To Awaken to 4 Stars: it costs 30 Immortal Soul Essences
  • To Awaken to 5 Stars: it costs 12 Eternal Soul Essences
  • To Awaken to 6 Stars: it costs 35 Eternal Soul Essences

For: Epic Champions

  • To Awaken to 1 Star: it costs 7 Immortal Soul Essences
  • To Awaken to 2 Stars: it costs 13 Immortal Soul Essences
  • To Awaken to 3 Stars: it costs 40 Immortal Soul Essences
  • To Awaken to 4 Stars: it costs 100 Immortal Soul Essences
  • To Awaken to 5 Stars: it costs 35 Eternal Soul Essences
  • To Awaken to 6 Stars: it costs 100 Eternal Soul Essences

For: Legendary Champions

  • To Awaken to 1 Star: it costs 20 Immortal Soul Essences
  • To Awaken to 2 Stars: it costs 40 Immortal Soul Essences
  • To Awaken to 3 Stars: it costs 120 Immortal Soul Essences
  • To Awaken to 4 Stars: it costs 300 Immortal Soul Essences
  • To Awaken to 5 Stars: it costs 100 Eternal Soul Essences
  • To Awaken to 6 Stars: it costs 300 Eternal Soul Essences

Should You Invest in Rare Champions?

Although it's cheaper to awaken Rare Champions, their Blessings are not very effective. As a result, it's probably not a good idea to invest in them. Players should consider investing only in Epic or Legendary champions for better results.

Comparing the Costs of Awakening Legendary vs. Epic Champions

Based on the costs provided, it's approximately three times more expensive to awaken Legendary champions compared to Epic ones. This presents an interesting choice for players:

Pros and Cons of Investing in Legendary Champions vs Epic ones:


  • Investing in Legendary champions provides powerful and more impactful Blessings, with these champions having more longevity in the game.
  • Very few Epics are used in the late game.


  • The high costs mean you could potentially invest in awakening three Epic champions instead of just one Legendary champion. Some Epic champions may still provide great value in specific content / strategies.
  • Notably Epics include:
    • Seer - unique role (Crushing ignore additional 6% DEF)
    • Husk / Royal Guard - Max HP nukers (Crushing ignore additional 6% DEF)
    • Uugo / Geo / Deacon / Seeker / Shamael - to drop defense even further (Cruely -20% boss DEF) (Clan Boss / Hydra)
    • Magnarr, Skullcrown, Genbo, Gala - nukers (Crushing ignore additional 6% DEF)
    • Mid-game debuffers: Madame, Basher (+40 ACC)
    • Other: boosting Speed, boosting team Aura +35%.


  • It is also not always necessary to upgrade fully to 6 star. Each champion might receive the optimal benefit at 4 stars, 5 stars or 6 stars.
  • For example if you want to boost Accuracy on your debuffers then a 4 star is sufficient.
  • If a 5 star Seer does the job then there is no need to pay the high cost for the 6th star.

In general most players prefer investing in Legendary champions due to their powerful Blessings and longevity. However, certain Epic champions can still provide great value in specific situations.

Ultimately, the decision to invest in Epic or Legendary champions depends on your personal preferences, current champion roster, and in-game goals. Here are some factors to consider:

Sources of Essences

  1. A very low chance drop from Iron Twins Fortress.
  2. Traded for Soul Coins at the Mystic Market.
  3. Various Tournaments and Events often include some (usually small) amount of Essences.


Awakening your champions in RAID is an essential part of strengthening your team and progressing through the game.

It's crucial to make informed decisions when investing in Epic or Legendary champions, considering their costs, Blessings, and impact on your gameplay. 

By taking into account all information and carefully weighing the pros and cons, you can make the best decision for your RAID account.