Sunday, December 11, 2022

RAID Sand Devil's Necropolis 100% Auto Battle (Unlimited) Strategies WITHOUT SLEEP by COSMOS

Here are 5 strategies to 100% Auto the new dungeon in RAID - Sand Devil's Necropolis. While 5 are shown all of these strategies can be expanded upon, modified/adapted according to your account - there are "unlimited" combinations!

Kind reminder if you benefit from my work then share/like/upvote. 

Update for Stage 24

Jump to my newer post: Stage 24 Sand Devil in 2 minutes with Godseeker & Ninja

DUO Team: Support (Elva) + Royal Guard

  • Support can be any Revive or Heal champion (1 or 2). 
  • Scyl of the Drakes is an example for alternative. Other champions: Wythir, Godseeker Aniri, Apothecary, etc.
  • I have used Stalwart set on my support to make sure they don't die.
  • Damage dealer can be any champion - your best anti-boss champion (ideally with Enemy MAX HP attack).
  • Relentless set or Reflex set helps to cycle the big attack more often for the damage dealer.

DUO Team: Support (Elva) + Ninja

  • Same comment s as above.
  • Except Ninja is not in Relentless but has a 1 star Brimstone that helps sometimes (currently Blessings are bugger or they would help more)
  • Ninja further benefits from his anti-boss mechanics so I achieved the fastest time (so far) with him.

DUO Team: Support (Elva) + Turvold

  • Same comment s as above.
  • Except Turvold is not in Relentless and does not have Blessings which slows down the time.
  • This is a showcase of ANY strong single target damage dealer!

DUO Team: Support (Elva) + Helicath

  • This strategy was to win with Brimstone (Block Damage turned off) but Blessings are bugged, Brimstone gets removed. Once fixed this will work MUCH faster.
  • Also the reason for this strategy is that most people have Helicath and Scyl/Elva and that Helicath attacks 2 times on his A1 which gives a higher chance for Brimstone.

TRIO Team: Support (Elva) + Ninja + Wythir

Adding in an Extra Healer if stats are not strong enough.

SOLO Team: Teodor

  • While this shows Teodor solo I believe any champion who has high HP, high SPEED in a REGEN set can solo this boss.
  • Naturally pick some champion that has some kind of an anti-boss mechanic like Poisons, HP Burn, Enemy MAX HP hit.
  • Some that come to mind are Drexthar, any Poisoners or HP Burners with ideally debuff on the A1 (Even Mithrala although I would not waste her on this), any Enemy Max HP like Husk, 
  • Any champion that has Sleep skill + Warmaster + Brimstone.
  • Armiger could do it on a lower Stage. (fun stuff - 5 Regen Armigers or 4 with 1 Reviver or 3 with Reviver/Healer - same thing applies to higher stages like 3-5 Husks).
  • I think a very interesting solo would be SEER!
  • Another very interesting solo would be Torturehelm or any champion which self-revives!

This was a very fun and useful guide for beating the new boss / dungeon in RAID - Sand Devil's Necropolis.

More and more guides will come out also towards higher Stages as we get more familiar with this dungeon, but for farming this already is more than enough for most RAID players.