Thursday, January 26, 2023

A REASON you probably did not consider for NOT PULLING SHARDS as long as possible

Target audience = mid/late - late-game players only: as per the title I am suggesting a completely different reason for not pulling shards for as long as possible.

As part of their business model Plarium is constantly adding new champions into RAID and to excite people to spend money, especially whales who may have the majority of existing champions, they are making some of the new champions (not all because always new trash must be added to dilute the pool) much better than majority of all existing champions

Therefore, if we pull shards early we miss the opportunity of getting those powerful champions; suggesting that it is better to gather and hold out as long as possible before pulling shards using the minimum needed or waiting not for even good opportunities but only fantastic opportunities.

This would mean not pulling during any standards events (no x2, no x10, etc), doing the absolute minimum for fusions and stopping no matter what.

Some examples:

If you pulled shards before these champions were added to the game you missed the opportunity of getting them with all those shards:

  • DEC - Marichka
  • DEC - Taras
  • DEC - Georgid
  • NOV - Harima
  • NOV - Samson
  • OCT - Elva
  • OCT - Gallcobar
  • OCT - Michinaki
  • and so on

Pros and Cons:

Cons: mainly missing out on consumable rewards in the short run such as not picking up some rewards like a Lego book.

Pros are many:

  • Having the opportunity of getting the best champions as explained above.
  • Teaching one-self patience.
  • Challenging one-self to overcome difficulties with the champions you already have.
  • Always having more than enough shards for when Guaranteed events come around.
  • Unplugging from gambling addiction.
  • Could potentially result in you spending less money if you are a spender. 

Further Clarifications

Some people did not understand some of the concepts clearly so I provided the following explanations:

1) Answering to someone who said that delaying pulling would be only less than 1% chance to get these champions:

Hi, there seems to be some confusion, I have not written anywhere to pull for a 1% chance.

Perhaps an example can help:

  • Imagine you had 50 Sacred shards in September 2022 and you pull them sometime in that month when you think it's the best time / the best event for you. In this case you have 0% chance of getting Marichka, Taras, Georgid, Harima, Samson, Elva, Gallcobar, and Michinaki who would be added to the game in the following 3 months.
  • But let's say you manage to exercise patience and not pull those 50 in SEP 2022 and wait for another opportunity which is very interesting for you, which could be a x10 of a champion you like (let's say it's not even any of these champions) or it could be a Guaranteed Event that you like or whatever else that you really like.
  • And by "surviving" those additional 3 months, let's say conservatively, that you also end up adding another 10 Sacreds.
  • So now you are pulling still for the event that you really want but this time you are pulling with 60 Sacreds and you have SOME chance, even if it is little, to get one of those new powerful champions.

I hope this explanation help clarify the confusion,  
Cheers, COSMOS

2) Answering someone who said if you keep on waiting you will never pull:

Hi, I did not write anywhere "never pull" so if that is what you understood then there was a confusion.

I suggested to hold on as long as possible and pull the trigger only when there is a fantastic opportunity, knowing that the longer you can wait the more chance you have to get some of the new amazing champions.

Even if you finally pull after let's say gathering 70 Sacreds and, as you wrote, let's say you don't get the new amazing champions and get other legendary champions instead, that does not mean the strategy is wrong - at least you had a chance to get them - then it's up to the RNG Gods - you are only trying to maximize your chances of getting the best rewards.