Friday, January 14, 2022

Trunda's 15 milion attack damage madness

Vraccal posted mad Trunda info on Reddit showing Trunda hitting for near 15 million damage per attack per Hydra Head. Picture:

A lot of people are surprised/shocked by this, but it is not "normal" or at least people hope it is not. Vraccal shared his Trunda build (pictures below) but he said that it has nothing to do with the build and has to do with Truda's A2 being broken.

Trunda's build picture 1 of 2

This Trunda is impressive in any case and we can see that on the build:

Trunda's build picture 2 of 2

  • Very high 7.25k Attack
  • Going with a huge 284% Crit Damage
  • That's going to hurt...
  • It is impressive that with such strong offensive power the champion also has 51k HP and 2.2k DEF so it's not easy to kill either.

Is Plarium going to fix it?

Well that certainly is the question. I also don't know if this has been going on since Hydra was launched and only now coming to awareness.

They might also take their time before fixing it because there is only a small percentage of players who has Trunda.