Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Boomer does Hydra Nightmare 1 key (39m DMG, 13 min) on Full Auto

In this short blog post I am sharing the video that Boomer posted where he does Hydra Clan Boss on Nightmare difficulty 100% on Auto with 1 key.

That's pretty impressive and, of course, most people will not have his champions and his gear but it is already interesting to see that it has been accomplished.

From here on, RAID players will try to improve and expand so more people can achieve that.

Champions he used:

The stats are insane - 99.9% of players don't have this. But it is on Nightmare difficulty so players on Normal/Hard can, of course, have much lower stats.

  • Dutchess with 90k HP, 3.8k DEF, 293 SPD, 497 RES, 238 ACC
  • Krisk with 64.5k HP, 3.6k DEF, 277 SPD, 502 RES, 423 ACC
  • Tuhanarak with 53k HP, 4k DEF, 268 SPD, 476 RES, 415 ACC
  • Venus with 50k HP, 2.9k DEF, 247 SPD, 458 RES, 410 ACC
  • And 2 damage dealers:
  • Ninja with 40.7k HP, 1.8k DEF, 267 SPD, 173 RES, 448 ACC, 229 CDMG
  • Royal Guard with 49k HP, 1.8k DEF, 246 SPD, 140 RES, 177 ACC, 245 CDMG

Boomer's Video:

