Tuesday, April 25, 2023

100% Player's own fault if doing X-30 minutes Arena or Dungeon battles

While there are lots of problems in RAID Shadow Legends, not everything is the fault of Plarium. This blog post deals with this topic: No, it is 100% the Player's own fault if you are doing up to 30 minutes Arena or Dungeon battles.

You lose out bigtime if you do that.

Too long a focus in one area = lost rewards / lost opportunities in all other areas

Just like in Real Life, same in RAID, if you spend too much time doing one thing then you are consequently not doing all the other things that you could be doing. This is called opportunity cost. It is crucial to manage your time effectively to maximize your rewards and progress in RAID.

Especially with the increased number of things to do in RAID there are lots of things to take care of on a daily basis and additional tasks on a weekly basis (Hydra, Gear cleanse, etc). With so many activities and events to participate in, it's essential to strike a balance and avoid devoting excessive time to a single area of the game.

If you spend too much time in one fight you risk failing fusions/events/tournaments. Maybe another 30 minutes was needed to finish grinding / farming a dungeon for fusion or the top reward and you ran out of time losing the reward (there are occasionally rants on RAID Reddit showing how they missed out or lost against someone by just a small margin).

These things are usually difficult to see in the moment (when one is doing a long battle), but as time pushes forward and lots of things are left to be finished in the last minute - this is when you realize you messed up, but by this time it is too late.

Unkillable example from Faction Wars / Dungeons

There are regularly Rants posted on RAID Reddit of people saying that they set their team to grind all the keys / energy and then when they checked an hour later or next morning after the whole night of "grinding" then the battle was stuck on 1 single mob with the Unkillable buff (usually Paragon, but another example is Black Knight). These players often overlook the fact that their team configuration or battle strategy is to blame, not Plarium.

Then, wrongly, they blame Plarium for their problems. As I said, Plarium has messed up a lot, but this specific issue is more of the Player’s fault. The player has made the wrong team configuration or approached the battle with the wrong strategy resulting in a massive amount of time wasted in a particular battle, perhaps waiting for the 3% fail chance to deal with this issue.

Entire night lost of grinding = lost time / lost rewards.

Taking 15-30 minutes to complete a dungeon

There are also proud posts showing someone completing a dungeon, or even worse, recommending the team to others. Then you look on the top left on how long they took to do the job and you see 15 minutes or 25 minutes.
Or there is a screenshot of taking 1500 turns. 

That is completely unrealistic and inefficient. It is not possible to "win" if your dungeon run takes that long.

In most events or tournaments, we need to grind / farm dungeons hundreds of times. With 15 minutes per run, 100 runs would take 25 hours if it is done without any breaks. That is a recipe for disaster. Players who don't optimize their dungeon runs are bound to struggle, falling behind in events and tournaments.

Taking up to 30 minutes to complete a Live Arena fight

Similarly, there are posts both proud and complaining that Live Arena took up to 30 minutes to compete in one fight. This is ridiculous. Without buying additional attempts, RAID players have to complete 10 Live Arena battles every single day.

If you allow your fights to take up to 30 minutes each, that would be 300 minutes just to complete the dailies for Live Arena. Even if this happens in half your fights or 1/3rd of your fights, it would take too long because this is all additional time that we are asked to spend in RAID. This is an absolutely wrong strategy/approach which will result in the loss of rewards and loss of progress in other parts of RAID (and even further damage to your Real Life).

So instead of complaining and blaming others, look to your own strategies!

Here are some references:

  • High-performance players try to be below/around 1 minute per dungeon run.
  • For Spider dungeon, the target is much lower - towards 30 seconds or less for Normal difficulty.
  • While, on the opposite side, Fire dungeon is usually the longest one towards 2 minutes.
  • Newer players should aim for 5-6 minutes absolute maximum. Don't go up a stage and make it 15 minutes.
  • For Live Arena also - fast battles only. If the enemy is too strong, just leave straight away, stop wasting time.
You don't want RAID to become a second job. It is already taking too long as it is, and everyone knows you would be better off doing something productive in Real Life, so don't make this problem even worse by doing runs up to 30 minutes each!

By recognizing the importance of time management and efficient strategy, players can avoid falling into the trap of unnecessarily lengthy battles. Remember that maximizing your progress in RAID Shadow Legends requires a balance between various aspects of the game. Learn from the mistakes of others and take the opportunity to refine your strategies for a more enjoyable and rewarding gaming experience.