Monday, August 8, 2022

Frenzy Urogrim Dragon 20 Solo + Mithrala + Ragash Dragon 25 Duo Builds

For any RAID player interested in a Frenzy Urogrim Dragon 20 Solo Build please find below the 1 picture guide:

and below this find the Frenzy Urogrim + Mithrala Dragon 25 Duo build.

Note: my equipment is not great - with much better equipment more champions can solo/duo and do it in faster times.

Frenzy Urogrim Dragon Stage 20 Solo

Frenzy Urogrim + Mithrala Dragon Stage 25 Duo

Frenzy Urogrim + Savage Ragash Dragon Stage 25 Duo build

If you have nice RAID builds - feel free to share them.