Saturday, February 5, 2022

TABLE / Analysis - Resistance & Accuracy Players must have

In this RAID Shadow Legends blog post I want to share with you my table / analysis of Resistance & Accuracy requirement for players. Using the Doom Tower to illustrate different levels of difficulty and showing suggestions for players.

TABLE / Analysis: Resistance & Accuracy Needed

Here are my observations in brief:

  • The famous 200 Accuracy which RAID players use for most dungeons will also get you deep into the Doom Tower, up to approximately Hard Stage 80. From then on the enemies resistances become higher and 200 will no longer cut it.
  • To get further the next "Stage" or "Tier" requires players to have 300-350 Accuracy. That amount will let players complete most of the RAID content expect the most difficult / top levels.
  • To complete everything the players will need a huge 550-600 Accuracy.

But please note that not all champions of the team need to have these Accuracy levels. Just the champions who absolutely must have it. For example if you are killing Soraph with Drexthar then you only need Drex with high ACC and since he has an Accuracy Leader Aura (+70) then he only needs to have 530 Accuracy.


As I posted previously, but happy to repeat again, thanks to Bobo for gathering RAID Shadow Legends statistics and publishing them for people to use. 

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