Thursday, December 9, 2021

Low ranked champion who might be good for Hydra - Pharsalas Gravedirt

Pharsalas Gravedirt is a low ranked champion (1-2 stars from 5) who might actually be good for the new Hydra Clan Boss in RAID.

He has 5 good points:

1) He is completely immune to any kind of fear. This alone is very valuable for the Hydra battle.

2) He has an AOE 100% Heal Reduction on a 3 turn cooldown when booked. So if the Hydra heads steal / get any Healing buffs on themselves their health will not fill up.

3) He is a defensive champion which makes him naturally harder to kill.

4) He can place a shield together with small Strengthen for the whole team on a 3 turn cooldown when booked. Strengthen also prevents Hydra from putting Weaken debuff on your team.

  • As his is immune to fear this Shield support is much more significant than a non-immune "better" Shield champion, because Pharsalas will always place it every 3 turns while a non-immune champion might fumble in fear.
  • And furthermore, the reason Shielding is significant in Hydra battles is because of Head of Decay reducing Max HP. Shields help keep champions alive until the team is able to kill the Hydra head.

5) He has good damage multipliers. 4.4 x DEF for A1 and 4.65 x DEF for the AOE, both marked as "Strong" by HH.

What's bad? He is very slow - 90 base speed, which is bad because we have increased speed requirements for Hydra compared to any other RAID content.
