Tuesday, October 5, 2021

RAID Shadow Legends Advanced Settings by COSMOS

Sometimes small improvements can bring a lot of benefit to players such as these RAID Shadow Legends suggestions:

RAID Advanced Settings

Sooner or later all players reach their inventory limit (currently 1000 items). Clearing equipment is an absolute nightmare in RAID Shadow Legends.

One of the largest and most annoying obstacles is upgrading equipment one by one to +8 or +12 in order to be able to make the decision to keep or sell. 

While changing the entire rotten system would take too much effort, implementing a simple auto-upgrade as shown in the picture below would be extremely fast and easy and save MANY hours time for tens of thousands of players.

Many other Advanced Settings could be added, these are just several suggestions. 

Advanced Settings can also be locked until a player reaches a certain level or finishes beginner activities to make sure that new players don't make any mistakes.